Thursday, 28 July 2011

Take To A Man’s Heart That Will Backfire On You And Actually REPEL Him

I was smart. I was curious about things he was interested in, listened and asked intelligent questions, and talked about all kinds of things.
I liked sex. Or at least I appreciated that it was a good way to get what I thought of as “close” to a man. So I tried to learn to be “good” in bed, and got the sexual part of the relationship going quickly.
I was a thoughtful, nice and caring woman and had a very “spiritual” side. I thought those qualities would endear me to a man.
But all any of those things ever got me was a buddy, a friend, a “player,” or a man just “passing through” on his way to the “real” love of his life.
I was taking every one of the 3 Wrong Roads To A Man’s Heart.
I was trying to get to his heart through:
1. …his Mind - the Logical Road
2. …his Body - the Physical Road
3. …his Spirit - the Spiritual Road…
…and I was getting nowhere.
I can’t even say I was getting nowhere “fast” - because it seemed like a slow, tortuous, never-ending trip through a maze where every single turn - and every single man - was a dead end.

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